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Bounce rate is related to search engine ranking factor which is calculated by measuring the % of visitors leave your site after visiting pages [may be a single page or multiple pages]. If more than half of your visitors leave your site by visiting only one single page then your bounce rate will drastically go up and you will be notified it on Audience overview under Google analytics account dashboard.

Increased bounce rate hampers Adsense RPM rapidly!

Suppose you have placed maximum three "Ad units" on every single page of your site and each time a visitor visit your page you get 3 impressions/visit. If that visitor visits three pages at the same then you get 9 impressions/visit.

But if that visitor leaves your site from that single page then you lose 6 impressions from one visit. Thus more than half of your visitors leave by single page visit then you get lower and lower impressions. If it continues day by day you get fewer and fewer earnings day by day.

So you have to understand bounce rate of your site and apply strategies to decrease bounce rate. Here are quite few articles can help you to reduce website bounce rate.


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