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Adwords, Adsense login, Blogger, Make money with Adsense, Google Adsense earnings, Adsense sign up, Adsense alternatives, Adsense earnings

Bounce rate is related to search engine ranking factor which is calculated by measuring the % of visitors leave your site after visiting pages [may be a single page or multiple pages]. If more than half of your visitors leave your site by visiting only one single page then your bounce rate will drastically go up and you will be notified it on Audience overview under Google analytics account dashboard.

Increased bounce rate hampers Adsense RPM rapidly!

Suppose you have placed maximum three "Ad units" on every single page of your site and each time a visitor visit your page you get 3 impressions/visit. If that visitor visits three pages at the same then you get 9 impressions/visit.

But if that visitor leaves your site from that single page then you lose 6 impressions from one visit. Thus more than half of your visitors leave by single page visit then you get lower and lower impressions. If it continues day by day you get fewer and fewer earnings day by day.

So you have to understand bounce rate of your site and apply strategies to decrease bounce rate. Here are quite few articles can help you to reduce website bounce rate.
As your YouTube videos accumulate more views, you may want to apply for an AdSense account to associate with your YouTube account. Successfully linking the two accounts means you’ll be eligible to receive payment.
To sign up for an AdSense account through YouTube, follow the steps below:
  1. Make sure your YouTube account is enabled for monetization.

  2. Submit your application to create a new AdSense account to link with your YouTube account. Once your application has been approved, you’ll see a "Host account" label on the Home tab of your AdSense account.
    Google will send you a payment the month after your AdSense balance exceeds $100, assuming your YouTube and AdSense accounts are in good standing. Learn more about when you'll get paid.

  3. If you also have your own non-host website where you’d like to show ads, then you’ll need to submit a one-time application form to tell us the URL of your site.
    You only need to complete this step if you want to monetize your own website -- you don’t need to take any further action to continue to monetize your YouTube videos.
    Once your one-time application is approved, the "Host account" label will be removed from the Home tab of your AdSense account and you’ll have access to generate the AdSense ad code you need to monetize your non-host partner website.

  1. In early internet days, you may see a site notice asking everyone to click the ads. The day has gone long time ago. If Google detects possible cheating, there is no such thing as presumption of innocence. They assume that you are guilty.
  2. Do not click your ads. If Google catches you, they will suspend your account and retain any earnings you might have. However, if you, by mistakes, click your ads for one or two times, Google will keep that earning but rather not to punish you as long as it doesn't happen constantly.
  3. Google has a lot of restrictions on how the ads have to be displayed. One of the major reasons for account suspension is that webmasters tried to blur the ads and mislead others to think that it's "content". For simplicity, never attempt to use CSS to hide Google's logo unless you're authorized to do it!
  4. If you don't have any content, Google will have to guess what your page is about. It may guess wrong, and so the ads that it displays may not be relevant.
Once you have the AdSense ad code, the next step is to paste it in your page’s HTML source code.
This guide will walk you through using two common types of "WYSIWYG" HTML editors (like Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Frontpage): HTML insert editors, and Code view editors.
This guide can also help you if you have a content management system, like Blogger or Joomla.
We can't give you exact instructions for pasting your ad code on your specific page, since every editor and every site is different. But we have provided some examples that will help guide your implementation.

Optimize Design
Using Code View
Optimize Design
Using HTML Insert
Other Products
Using a content-management system (CMS)

Before adding the ad code to your page, make sure that your page complies with our program policies. If your page doesn't comply with these policies, we reserve the right to disable ad serving to your site and/or disable your AdSense account at any time. If your account is disabled, you will not be eligible for further participation in the AdSense program.

  1. Although Google doesn't release exact details as to how they determine the ads to serve on a given page, they do say that it's the text content of the page that matters, not the meta tags.
  2. Avoid non-English characters on English pages. There is a bug which can cause these pages to show irrelevant French ads.
  3. Quality is the most important part of any web site. If your site does not contain the content of expected quality the visitor might not come back,
  4. Some webmasters are designing brand new sites specifically for serving AdSense text ads, however it’s against the AdSense rules to design a site purely for AdSense, so you’ll want to include a few Affiliate links or sell your own product, too.
  5. A great resource for earning money is using traffic driving sites like Flixya You can sign up for Google Adsense and Flixya, without the costs or time needed to build traffic or your own site.
  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click the gear icon  and select Settings.
  3. In the sidebar, click Access and authorization.
  4. In the “Show ads on other websites” section, enter the URL of the site where you plan to show ads.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Finally you need to implement AdSense ad code on the URL that you provided above, on a page that receives traffic.
    To implement AdSense ad code, you first need to generate the ad code. You can learn how to implement it on your non-host partner website by following our code implementation guide. Note that your ad units will remain blank until your request has been approved.
Once your request is approved, you’re welcome to place your ad code on any website that you own without any further approvals. If your application is not approved, be assured that ad serving on your host partner site will not be affected. You can continue to monetize your hosted content as normal.
Yes, its vary from account to account even advertiser to another advertiser.

There are dozens of reasons why CPC can vary.

  • different types of content
  • poor quality content
  • duplicate contents
  • quality of traffic
  • traffic sources
  • advertiser bids
  • amount of advertising on the site/page
  • geolocation
  • smart pricing
No not directly, the amount paid by the advertiser determines the CPC and there are multiple things which determine which ad is show, mainly the content of the site, geo location of the viewer, the viewers browsing history etc.

Obviously there may be indirect things where the location of the publisher could have an indirect effect. The location of the hosting company could have a slight effect, as could the type of content added (or the fact that new content isn't being added).

In Short: The country of the viewer is more important than the country of the publisher.
#1 A Niche That is Full of Most Useful Content and User Friendly
#2 Site Design
#3 Overall Content of Your Site
#4 Setting of Adsense Ad Units Visibility on Pages of Your Site
#5 Ad Crawl Problems (image/text blending)
#6 Invalid Click Activity, Copyrights create seriously dropping your CTR
#7 Make Your Ads Prominent to Readers With Appropriate ad Formatting
#8 Make your ads Mobile compatible
#9 Never use Opt Out of Enhanced Text and Displays Ads
#10 Don't use Rich Media With or Next to Adsense ad Units
A call-to-action text Contact us